Is Applewood Good for Smoking? Find Out How to Use It Like a Pro

by Joost Nusselder | Last Updated:  May 11, 2023

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Applewood is a type of wood used for smoking meat. But is it the best?

It’s known for its fruity flavor and mild smoky taste, which makes it a great choice for smoking pork, poultry, and fish. It’s also easy to work with and relatively cheap, making it a popular choice for both beginners and experts.

In this article, I’ll explain why applewood is such a popular choice for smoking, and why it’s considered one of the best woods to use.

Is apple wood good for smoking

In this post we'll cover:

Discovering the Origin and Properties of Apple Tree Wood

Apple tree wood is a type of hardwood that is highly valued for smoking food. It is a unique type of wood that gives a fruity flavor to the food, making it sweet and smoky at the same time. Applewood is actually a type of wood that comes from the apple tree, which is scientifically named Malus.

Where is it Found?

Apple trees are cultivated and grown in many regions around the world, including China, the United States, and Central Europe. In fact, China produces over half of the world’s apples, with over 40 million tons of apples harvested each year.

How is it Harvested and Produced?

Applewood is harvested from apple trees that have shed their leaves during the fall season. The wood from these trees is stronger and denser than softwoods, making it an excellent fuel for smoking food. The wood is then cut into different shapes and sizes, including chunks and chips, to prepare it for smoking.

What Makes Apple Tree Wood Good for Smoking?

Apple tree wood is an excellent wood for smoking because it imparts a unique fruity flavor to the food. It is also a mild wood, which means it does not overpower the food with a strong smoky flavor. When used correctly, applewood can give a subtly smokey flavor to meat, poultry, and vegetables.

How to Ensure the Best Result When Smoking with Apple Tree Wood?

To ensure the best result when smoking with apple tree wood, it is important to use dry seasoned wood (here’s how long to season it) and control the temperature. This will help to ensure that the wood burns evenly and that the smoke is absorbed by the food. It is also important to use the right kind of wood for the food you want to smoke. For example, applewood works great for smoking ribs, poultry, and vegetables.

Why Apple Wood is a Great Choice for Smoking

  • Apple wood is a natural wood that is known for its sweet and fruity flavor profile.
  • It is a pretty versatile wood that can be used to smoke different kinds of meat, seafood, and dishes.
  • Apple wood chunks come in different shapes and sizes, making it easier to find the correct size for your cooking needs.
  • Unlike other types of wood, apple wood produces a milder smoke flavor that is perfect for pork, poultry, and fish.
  • It is highly recommended for those who prefer a rich and fine smoky taste in their food.

Benefits of Using Apple Wood for Smoking

  • Apple wood is a great choice for smoking because it is easy to work with and maintain.
  • It is a low-cost option that produces high-quality results.
  • Apple wood is a natural wood that doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals or additives.
  • It is a great choice for people who love to experiment with different flavors and mixtures.
  • Apple wood is also a popular choice for electric smokers because it is easy to control the temperature and smoke level.

Apple Wood and Certain Dishes

  • Apple wood is a great choice for smoking beef, pork, poultry, and seafood.
  • It is also a popular choice for smoking turkey because it creates a nice and crispy skin.
  • Apple wood is a great addition to any dish that requires a sweet and smoky flavor, such as ribs, brisket, and pulled pork.
  • For a custom flavor, mix apple wood with other woods like cherry or mesquite.

Apple Wood Brands and Prices

  • There are many apple wood brands available in the market, each with its own unique features and price points.
  • Some of the most famous apple wood brands are Weber, Traeger, and Jack Daniel’s.
  • The price of apple wood depends on the brand, size, and quality.
  • It is possible to find apple wood at a low price, but make sure to check the quality before purchasing.

Why Apple Wood is the Perfect Choice for Smoking

When it comes to smoking food, apple wood is one of the best choices you can make. This wood gives off a mild, fruity flavor that is both sweet and smoky. The smoke from apple wood is subtle enough to permeate the meat or vegetables you are smoking without overpowering it. The result is a delicious, juicy dish that is sure to be a hit with anyone who tries it.

Comes in Different Shapes and Sizes

Apple wood comes in plenty of different shapes and sizes, so you can find the kind that works best for your needs. Some people prefer to use apple wood chunks, while others like to use apple wood chips. Depending on the size of your smoker and the amount of food you are cooking, you may need to use different sizes of apple wood.

Essential to Use Dry, Seasoned Wood

To ensure the best results when smoking with apple wood, it is essential to use dry, seasoned wood. This will help to control the temperature and provide consistent heat throughout the smoking process. If you are attempting to smoke with wet or green wood (can you use that for smoking? Find out here), you may find that it doesn’t work as well and the results are not as good.

Works with Different Types of Meat and Vegetables

Apple wood is a popular choice for smoking pork, but it also works well with poultry, salmon, and other types of meat. It can even be used to smoke vegetables, providing a nice, smokey flavor that enriches the taste of the food. The sweetness that apple wood injects into the food goes perfectly with the smoky flavors that are released during the smoking process.

Provides Consistent Heat and Results

When using apple wood for smoking, it is important to keep the temperature consistent throughout the process. This will help to ensure that the smoke is absorbed by the meat or vegetables and helps to keep them juicy. Apple wood is a great tool to use for this, as it provides a consistent heat source that helps to cook the food evenly.

Harvested from Central Origin

Apple wood comes from the apple tree, which is native to central Asia. The wood is harvested from the tree and then dried and seasoned before it is used for smoking. This process helps to ensure that the wood is dry and ready to use, which is essential for getting the best results.

Getting the Best Out of Your Apple Wood: A Guide to Smoking Meat

  • Build a fire using hot coals and add the apple wood chunks or pieces to the fire.
  • Spread the apple wood evenly to ensure that the smoke travels throughout the smoker.
  • Cover the smoker and allow the smoke to build up before adding the food.
  • Check the temperature regularly to make sure it stays at the desired level.

Keeping the Smoke Going

  • Add more apple wood as needed to keep the smoke going.
  • If the smoke starts to die down, add more apple wood and cover the smoker to allow the smoke to build up again.
  • The amount of apple wood you need depends on the size of your smoker and the length of time you plan to smoke the food.

Serving the Smoked Food

  • Once the food is cooked to the desired level, remove it from the smoker and allow it to rest for a few minutes.
  • The smoky flavor of the apple wood will have penetrated the food, giving it a delicious and unique taste.
  • Apple wood is a great choice for smoking meat, poultry, and fish, but can also be used for smoking vegetables.
  • Enjoy your delicious and smoky dish!
  • The size of the apple wood pieces you use will influence the flavor and cooking time of your food.
  • Generally, larger pieces of apple wood will burn slower and produce a greater smoky flavor.
  • Smaller pieces or chips will burn faster and add an extra smoky taste to your food.
  • The shape of the apple wood doesn’t matter as long as it can be placed directly in the smoker.

Choosing the Right Size of Applewood for Smoking

When it comes to smoking with applewood, the size of the wood chunks you use is critical. Here are some things to consider when deciding on the size of applewood to use:

  • The size of the wood chunks will affect the intensity of the smoke flavor. Smaller chunks will produce a lighter, sweeter smoke flavor, while larger chunks will produce a stronger, more intense smoke flavor.
  • The size of the wood chunks will also affect the cooking time. Smaller chunks will burn faster and hotter, while larger chunks will burn slower and cooler.
  • The type of food you are smoking will also play a role in determining the size of applewood to use. For example, pork and bacon are strong-flavored meats that can handle larger chunks of applewood, while lighter meats like chicken and fish may benefit from smaller chunks.

What Sizes of Applewood are Available?

Applewood is available in a wide range of sizes and shapes, including logs, chips, and chunks. Here are some of the most common sizes of applewood chunks:

  • Small: These are usually around 1-2 inches in length and are ideal for adding a little bit of applewood flavor to your food. They work well when mixed with other woods, such as hickory or mesquite.
  • Medium: These chunks are around 2-3 inches in length and are a great choice for adding a more significant applewood flavor to your food. They are also easy to work with and are widely available.
  • Large: These chunks are around 3-4 inches in length and are an excellent choice for creating a unique, smoky flavor. They are also handy if you want to add a lot of applewood flavor to your food quickly.
  • Vertical: These chunks are cut vertically from the tree and are a popular choice for smoking. They are usually sold in long, thin pieces and are perfect for adding a unique, smoky flavor to your food.

Is Soaking Applewood Necessary for Smoking?

In the world of smoking, there is a common misconception that soaking wood chips (here’s how to smoke with them) and chunks is necessary before using them to smoke food. The idea behind this is that the water on the wood will help create a steady flow of smoke and prevent the wood from burning too quickly. However, the scientific reality is quite different.

When wood chips and chunks are soaked, they have to get rid of any moisture before they can produce smoke. The water on the wood will have to heat to 212°F (the boiling point of water) and will stall there until the water has been evaporated. This can cause the wood to take longer to produce smoke, and the resulting smoke may not be as consistent or smoky as desired.

The Reason Why Soaking Applewood is Not Necessary

The primary reason why soaking applewood is not necessary is that it is a dry wood. Unlike some other types of wood, applewood does not absorb water very well. This means that soaking applewood will not add any significant moisture to the wood, and it will not produce a more impressive or consistent smoke.

In fact, soaking applewood can actually cause some problems. Soaked wood can produce more steam than smoke, which can cause the meat to become soggy and prevent the smoke from penetrating the meat properly. Additionally, soaking applewood can cause the wood to produce more ash, which can be a hassle to clean up after cooking.

The Benefits of Using Dry Applewood

Using dry applewood for smoking has a lot of benefits. Here are some of the reasons why you might want to choose dry applewood over soaked wood:

  • Dry applewood produces a more consistent and smoky flavor than soaked wood.
  • Dry applewood is easier to control and produces less ash than soaked wood.
  • Dry applewood is a great choice for smoking all types of meat, as well as vegetables and other dishes.
  • Dry applewood can be used in a mixture with other types of wood to create a unique and rich flavor.

How to Choose the Right Size and Type of Applewood

When it comes to choosing the right size and type of applewood for smoking, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • The size of the wood chunks or chips will depend on the type of smoker you are using. Smaller wood pieces are better for electric smokers, while larger chunks are better for charcoal or wood-burning smokers.
  • Fresh applewood is a great choice for smoking, but it can be hard to find. If you are able to get your hands on fresh applewood, it will produce a sweet and fruity smoke that is perfect for pork and poultry dishes.
  • If you are unable to find fresh applewood, you can still use dry applewood. Dry applewood will produce a slightly different flavor than fresh wood, but it will still be delicious.
  • If you want to add a little extra flavor to your applewood smoke, you can try adding some blueberry wood to the mix. Blueberry wood is a close relative of applewood and produces a sweet and fruity smoke that pairs perfectly with applewood.

The Final Verdict

In conclusion, soaking applewood before smoking is not necessary and can actually cause more problems than it solves. Dry applewood is a great choice for smoking all types of meat and produces a consistent and impressive smoke. When choosing the right size and type of applewood, it depends on your personal preference and the type of smoker you are using. With the proper techniques and control, using dry applewood can help you create incredible dishes that are sure to impress your friends and family.

Mixing Applewood with Other Woods for the Ultimate Smoky Flavor

When it comes to mixing applewood with other woods, the type of wood you choose will depend on the meat you’re cooking and the flavor profile you want to achieve. Here are some wood types to consider:

  • Maple wood: This wood is a great choice for adding a sweet and delicate flavor to your dish.
  • Mesquite wood: If you prefer a strong and bold smoky flavor, mesquite wood is an excellent option.
  • Hickory wood: This wood is ideal for producing a rich and hearty flavor, making it a great choice for beef and pork.
  • Red oak wood: If you want a milder smoky flavor, red oak wood is a good option to consider.

Mixing Applewood with Other Woods

Now that you have an idea of the different types of wood available and the size and cut to use, here are some steps to follow when mixing applewood with other woods:

  • Choose the right combination of woods based on the meat you’re cooking and the flavor profile you want to achieve.
  • Start by adding a small amount of the other wood to your applewood, gradually increasing the amount until you find the right balance.
  • Allow the wood to travel through the hot coals or directly onto the hot electric heating element to create smoke.
  • Cover your dish to allow the smoke to infuse into the food.

Important Things to Keep in Mind

While mixing applewood with other woods can be a simple and easy way to add flavor to your food, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure to follow the steps above to properly mix and add the wood to your cooking process.
  • Be sure to choose the right wood type, size, and cut to achieve the desired flavor profile.
  • Remember that the amount of wood you use will depend on the size of your dish and the time it takes to cook.
  • Always keep in mind that the flavor profile of the wood will travel with the smoke, so be sure to choose the right combination of woods for the entire cooking time.
  • Finally, be sure to allow the wood to properly dry and store it in a cool, dry place to ensure it’s fresh and ready to use when you need it.

Mixing applewood with other woods is a highly versatile and delicious way to add a unique smoky flavor to your favorite dishes. With the right wood type, size, and cut, you’ll be able to create the ultimate flavor profile that’s sure to impress.

Smoking with Applewood: FAQs

Applewood is a fruitwood that comes from apple trees. It is commonly used for smoking meats and adds a fruity and sweet flavor to dishes.

Is applewood good for smoking?

Yes, applewood is an excellent choice for smoking meats. It burns slowly and evenly, imparting a subtle and sweet flavor to the food.

What dishes are suitable for smoking with applewood?

Applewood is great for smoking poultry, pork, and fish. It’s also a good choice for beef and other types of meat.

Do I need to soak applewood before smoking?

It depends on personal preference. Soaking applewood can help it burn longer and produce a smoother smoke, but it’s not essential. Dry applewood can also be used for smoking.

How do I know if my applewood is seasoned?

Seasoned applewood should be dry and have a grayish color. It should also break easily and not be too fiery when burned.

Should I check my applewood for any unwanted substances?

Yes, it’s important to inspect your applewood for any mold or strange sap. This can provoke health reactions or impart unwanted flavors to the food.

Can people with allergies to apples smoke with applewood?

It’s best to avoid smoking with applewood if you have an allergy to apples. The smoke can absorb the allergen and provoke a reaction.

How long does it take for applewood to burn?

Applewood burns slowly and evenly, so it can take a bit longer than other types of wood. However, this also means that it produces a consistent smoke and flavor.

Should I soak my applewood pellets before using them?

Soaking applewood pellets can help them absorb more water and produce more smoke. However, it’s not necessary and can depend on personal preference.

What is the best way to add applewood flavor to my BBQ?

There are a few ways to add applewood flavor to your BBQ:

  • Use applewood chunks or pieces in your smoker or grill
  • Add applewood pellets to your pellet smoker
  • Blend applewood with other woods to create unique flavor combinations

What are some frequently asked questions when considering smoking with applewood?

Some frequently asked questions include:

  • What dishes are suitable for smoking with applewood?
  • Do I need to soak applewood before smoking?
  • Can I mix applewood with other woods?
  • How do I know if my applewood is seasoned?
  • Can people with allergies to apples smoke with applewood?


So, is applewood good for smoking? 

Applewood is a great choice for smoking food because it imparts a subtle fruity flavor and mild smoky flavor. You can use it for pork, poultry, and fish dishes. It’s a natural wood and works well with electric smokers, too. 

So, don’t be afraid to give it a try!

Also read: is green applewood good for smoking, or does it need to be seasoned?

Joost Nusselder, the founder of Lakeside Smokers is a content marketer, dad and loves trying out new food with BBQ Smoking (& Japanese food!) at the heart of his passion, and together with his team he's been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with recipes and cooking tips.