So far, we’ve covered the different features you need to look out for when looking for a good quality pellet smoker. Now we’re going to share some tips on how to find the correct pellets with which to fuel your smoker.

- Start with the Flavor
The reason why it’s important to start by choosing the pellet flavor is because it will affect the smoke flavor of your meat by enhancing its natural smokiness.
For example, experts say that pellets like apple, alder and pecan work great with chicken, whereas oak, mesquite and hickory go together with beef.
For vegetables, you want to go with maple, cherry or apple, while seafood prefers oak, mesquite, and alder.
- Choose Food-Grade Pellets
It’s important to note here that pellets come in different types. There are heating pellets which are specifically created to fuel heaters, while food-grade pellets are made to provide fuel for smokers.
It’s important to buy food-grade pellets for your smoker because they don’t have any chemicals or harmful substances.
- Choose Hardwood
Pellets are further divided into softwood and hardwood. Hardwood pellets are the preferred choice for fuelling smokers because they burn slower and longer.
Plus, they give off an authentic smoked wood flavor while maintaining even temperatures.