Wrapping Meat: What is it?

by Joost Nusselder | Last Updated:  May 27, 2022

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Wrapping meat when grilling is the process of placing your chosen piece of meat onto some sort of wrap, such as tinfoil, before cooking it on the grill. This can help to keep your meat moist and prevent it from drying out or burning. It’s a handy little trick that can make all the difference when you’re grilling up a storm!

Wrapping meat is crucial for grilling and smoking, as it maintains moisture and promotes even cooking. However, the process can be tricky.

There are various methods for wrapping meat, depending on the type and size of the cut, as well as personal preference.

I’ve gained years of experience in grilling and smoking, and in this article, I’ll share my expert tips and tricks to help you wrap your meat like a pro.

What is meat wrapping

Wrapping Meat: The Ultimate Battle of Barbecue

Wrapping meat is a technique used in the cooking process of barbecue to control the internal temperature and prevent drying out the meat. It involves wrapping the meat in either foil or butcher paper during the final stages of cooking.

When to Wrap Meat

The decision to wrap meat during the cooking process depends on the type of meat being cooked and the desired result. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Pork shoulder and other large cuts of meat: Wrapping is typically recommended for these cuts of meat to prevent drying out and to speed up the cooking process.
  • Brisket: Wrapping brisket is a traditional technique called the “Texas Crutch” and is often used by experts to create a tender and juicy result.
  • Ribs: Wrapping ribs is a matter of personal preference. Some people prefer to wrap their ribs to create a more tender result, while others prefer to leave them unwrapped to create a firmer texture.

The Effects of Wrapping Meat

Wrapping meat can have several effects on the cooking process and the final result, including:

  • Increased temperature: Wrapping meat can increase the temperature inside the wrap, which can cause the meat to cook faster.
  • Moisture retention: Wrapping meat helps to lock in moisture and prevent the meat from drying out.
  • Bark formation (here’s how to get it): Wrapping meat can help create a bark on the outside of the meat, which is a desirable texture for many cuts of meat.
  • Thickness of the wrap: The type of wrap used can affect the thickness of the bark and the overall result.
  • Removal of the wrap: Removing the wrap too early can cause the meat to cool down too quickly and affect the final result.

Wrapping Meat: Tips for Beginners

If you’re new to wrapping meat, here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Choose the right type of wrap: Foil is a good choice for beginners because it is easy to use and delivers consistent results.
  • Test the temperature: Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the meat before and after wrapping to ensure that it is fully cooked.
  • Add sauce later: If you want to add sauce to your meat, wait until after it has been wrapped to prevent it from drying out.
  • Cool the meat: After removing the wrap, let the meat cool slightly before cutting it to help it retain its moisture.

The Wrap Up

Wrapping meat is a technique that can help you create a delicious and tender result, but it is not always necessary. Depending on the type of meat and the desired result, you may choose to wrap or not to wrap. With a little practice and experimentation, you’ll find the right way to wrap your meat and get the results you want.

The Art of Wrapping Meat for Barbecue: Understanding the Technique

The main purpose of wrapping meat for barbecue is to prevent it from drying out during the cooking process. Wrapping helps seal in the moisture and juices, which is particularly important for certain cuts of meat that have less fat content. Wrapping also helps to control the cooking process and achieve the desired level of tenderness.

What are some tips for beginners who are just learning how to wrap meat for barbecue?

If you are new to wrapping meat for barbecue, here are a few tips to help you get started:

  • Start with a simple recipe (here are the 10 best for BBQ smokers) and a cut of meat that is easy to work with, like pork shoulder.
  • Make sure you have all the necessary supplies, including butcher paper or foil, a sheet pan, and a meat thermometer.
  • Practice rolling and folding the paper or foil before you begin cooking.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice from more experienced barbecue enthusiasts.
  • Test different methods and techniques to find what works best for you and your particular style of barbecue.

Wrapping meat for barbecue is a simple and easy way to achieve a phenomenal product that is smoky, flavorful, and tender. With a little bit of understanding and practice, anyone can master this technique and become a barbecue pro.

Why Wrapping Meat is a Great Method for Grilling and Smoking

When it comes to cooking meat, the internal temperature is crucial. However, achieving the perfect temperature can be a challenge, especially when it comes to hot cuts of beef. This is where wrapping comes in. By wrapping your meat, you allow it to cook in its own juices, producing a product that is moist and tender.

The Role of Fat and Water

When it comes to wrapping meat, the role of fat and water is crucial. Fat helps to protect the meat from drying out, while water helps to create steam, which can keep the meat moist. By wrapping your meat, you are able to keep both the fat and water locked in, producing a final product that is moist and tender.

The Power of Wood

When it comes to smoking meat, the type of wood you use is crucial. Certain types of wood, such as pine, can produce a product that is not worth putting on the table. However, using the right type of wood can create a unique flavor that is worth the extra effort. Understanding the different types of wood and how they are produced is crucial to achieving a phenomenal end product.

The Final Word

Wrapping your meat is a great way to achieve a product that is moist, tender, and full of flavor. Whether you choose to use foil, butcher paper, or leave your meat unwrapped, understanding the benefits and the different methods is crucial to achieving a phenomenal end product. So, the next time you’re grilling or smoking, don’t forget to wrap your meat and enjoy the additional benefits it provides.

The Power of Wrapping Meats in Foil for Barbecuing and Smoking

Wrapping meats in foil is generally suitable for tougher cuts of meat that need longer cooking times, such as brisket, pork shoulder, and spare ribs. It is also a great choice for meats that tend to dry out quickly, such as chicken and turkey. However, it’s crucial to check the internal temperature of the meat regularly to prevent overcooking.

How Does Wrapping Meats in Foil Work?

When the meat is wrapped in foil, it creates a package that traps the meat’s moisture and excess fat, leaving it moist and juicy. The foil also helps to create a barrier that prevents the meat from drying out or becoming greasy. Additionally, wrapping the meat in foil helps to speed up the cooking process, allowing the meat to cook faster than it would without the foil.

What is the Process of Wrapping Meats in Foil?

The process of wrapping meats in foil is relatively easy and straightforward. Here’s how to do it:

1. Begin by seasoning the meat according to your recipe or preference.
2. Smoke or barbecue the meat until it reaches the stall, which is when the internal temperature of the meat stops rising.
3. Remove  the meat from the heat and wrap it tightly in aluminum foil (should you wrap it in foil?).
4. Return the meat to the heat and continue cooking until it reaches the desired internal temperature.
5. Remove the meat from the heat and let it rest for a few minutes before serving.

What is the Texas Crutch?

The Texas Crutch is a method of wrapping meats in foil that was popularized by legendary pitmaster Aaron Franklin. It involves wrapping the meat in foil with a little bit of apple juice or sauce to create steam, which helps to tenderize the meat and speed up the cooking process. The Texas Crutch is widely used in the barbecue circuit and is a favorite among many people who enjoy barbecuing and smoking meats.

What is the Difference Between Wrapping Meats in Foil, Butcher Paper, and Leaving it Unwrapped?

Wrapping meats in foil, butcher paper, or leaving it unwrapped all have their advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a quick rundown of the differences:

  • Wrapping meats in foil helps to retain the meat’s moisture and fat, leaving it moist and juicy. It also speeds up the cooking process and helps to create a barrier that prevents the meat from drying out or becoming greasy.
  • Wrapping meats in butcher paper allows the meat to breathe, which helps to create a bark on the outside of the meat. It also helps to retain the meat’s moisture and fat, leaving it moist and juicy.
  • Leaving meats unwrapped allows the meat to develop a crust on the outside, which adds flavor and texture to the meat. However, it can also lead to the meat drying out if it’s not monitored closely.

Butcher Paper: The Perfect Wrap for Grilling and Smoking Meat

Butcher paper is a type of paper that is commonly used by butchers to wrap meat. Unlike parchment paper or wax paper, butcher paper is made from a thicker and more durable material that can withstand moisture and heat. It is usually pink in color and is available in different sizes depending on the type of meat you are wrapping.

Why is Butcher Paper a Good Choice for Wrapping Meat?

Butcher paper is a great choice for wrapping meat for several reasons:

  • It allows a little bit more smoke through, so you’ll get more flavor than you would by wrapping with foil.
  • It soaks up the grease of the brisket, forming a layer of moisture that helps conduct heat and keeps the meat cooking.
  • It helps maintain the natural moisture of the meat, preventing it from drying out during the cooking process.
  • It helps the smoke penetrate the meat, resulting in a more flavorful and smoky taste.
  • It helps the meat cook faster than if it were completely unwrapped, but slower than if it were wrapped in foil.

When Should You Use Butcher Paper to Wrap Meat?

Butcher paper is a great choice for wrapping certain cuts of meat, such as:

  • Brisket: Butcher paper is often referred to as the “Texas Crutch” because it is a popular choice for wrapping brisket during the cooking process. It helps the brisket cook faster and helps maintain its moisture, resulting in a more flavorful and tender meat.
  • Pork: Butcher paper is also a great choice for wrapping pork during the cooking process. It helps the pork cook faster and helps maintain its moisture, resulting in a more flavorful and juicy meat.

How to Wrap Meat in Butcher Paper

Wrapping meat in butcher paper is a simple process that requires a few tools and techniques:

  • First, you need to prepare the meat by seasoning it with your favorite spices and letting it rest for a couple of hours.
  • Next, you need to prepare the butcher paper by cutting it to the appropriate size for the meat you are wrapping.
  • Then, you need to wrap the meat in the butcher paper, making sure to cover it completely and tucking in the edges to prevent any moisture from escaping.
  • Finally, you need to place the wrapped meat on the grill or in the smoker and let it cook until it reaches the desired level of doneness.

Wrapping Meat: Which Material to Choose?

When it comes to wrapping meat, aluminium foil is a popular choice for many people. It’s easy to find in any grocery store and is widely used in cooking. Here are some of the benefits of using aluminium foil:

  • It creates a tight package that allows the meat to cook faster.
  • It protects the meat from excess drying and maintains a consistent internal temperature.
  • It’s a good choice for pork shoulder or other cuts that take a longer time to cook.
  • It’s a great way to add additional flavors to your meat by adding wood chips or other ingredients to the package.
  • It’s a bit more expensive than other wrapping materials, but it’s worth it for the convenience and ease of use.

However, there are some downsides to using aluminium foil:

  • It can create a pronounced “steamed” flavor in the meat, which may not be suitable for all recipes.
  • It’s difficult to check the internal temperature of the meat without removing it from the package.
  • It’s not suitable for creating a nice, crispy outside finish on the meat.

Butcher Paper: The Traditional Choice

Butcher paper is a widely used wrapping material in barbecue circles. It’s a special type of paper that’s designed to withstand high temperatures and is often used in commercial kitchens. Here are some of the benefits of using butcher paper:

  • It allows the meat to breathe, which means that excess moisture can escape and the meat won’t become greasy.
  • It creates a nice, crispy outside finish on the meat.
  • It’s a good choice for creating pulled pork or other dishes where you want a nice, sharp bark on the outside.
  • It’s a lot cheaper than aluminium foil.

However, there are some downsides to using butcher paper:

  • It’s not as easy to find as aluminium foil.
  • It’s not as easy to use as aluminium foil, as it involves a specific technique to wrap the meat tightly.
  • It’s not as effective at maintaining a consistent internal temperature as aluminium foil.

Unwrapped: The Legendary Choice

Believe it or not, some people choose not to wrap their meat at all when grilling or smoking. This is a common technique in some parts of the country, particularly in the state of Texas, where it’s named the “Texas Crutch.” Here are some of the benefits of not wrapping your meat:

  • It allows the meat to develop a nice, crispy outside finish without steaming it.
  • It’s a good choice for creating a variety of different flavors and textures in the meat.
  • It’s a great way to showcase the natural flavors of the meat without adding any additional ingredients.

However, there are some downsides to not wrapping your meat:

  • It takes a lot longer to cook the meat without wrapping it, which means you’ll need to plan for a longer cooking time.
  • It’s difficult to maintain a consistent internal temperature without wrapping the meat.
  • It’s not as effective at protecting the meat from excess drying as aluminium foil or butcher paper.
  • It’s not suitable for all types of meat, particularly pork shoulder, which can dry out quickly without being wrapped.

In the end, the choice of wrapping material comes down to personal preference and the type of meat you’re cooking. Aluminium foil is a quick and easy choice that’s suitable for most types of meat, while butcher paper is a more traditional choice that creates a nice, crispy outside finish. Not wrapping your meat at all is a special technique that’s best left to experienced barbecue enthusiasts. Whatever you decide, make sure to check the internal temperature of your meat regularly to ensure it’s reaching the desired level of doneness.

Once you’ve decided to wrap your brisket, you want to make sure you do it properly to get the best results. Here are some tips on how to wrap your brisket:

  • Choose your wrapping tool carefully: Butcher paper is ideal for brisket because it allows the meat to breathe and cool down slightly while still protecting it. Foil is more convenient and provides a tighter seal, but it can also trap in too much heat and moisture, making your brisket soggy.
  • Double wrap your brisket: To ensure maximum protection, double wrap your brisket in butcher paper or foil.
  • Wrap it tightly: Make sure your brisket is fully covered and the wrapping is tight to prevent any air or moisture from getting in.
  • Continue cooking: Once your brisket is wrapped, place it back on the smoker or grill and continue cooking until it reaches an internal temperature of 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Rest your brisket: After your brisket is fully cooked, remove it from the heat and let it rest for at least 30 minutes before slicing it. This allows the juices to redistribute and makes for a more tender and flavorful brisket.

Mastering the Art of Wrapping Meat for Perfect Barbecue: A Guide to Wrapping Brisket

Wrapping brisket is a technique that has become popular among barbecue enthusiasts and experts alike. It is a method that involves wrapping the meat in foil or butcher paper during the cooking process to increase the internal temperature, control the cooking process, and prevent drying out. Here are some reasons why wrapping brisket is a good practice:

  • It helps to increase the cooking speed, making it faster to serve.
  • It prevents the meat from drying out, which is a common problem with larger cuts of beef.
  • It creates a unique and ideal environment for the meat to cook in, resulting in a perfect final product.

Choosing the Right Wrapping Method

There are different types of wrapping methods that you can choose from, depending on your preference and the specific results you want to achieve. Here are some of the most popular wrapping methods:

  • Aluminum foil: This is a traditional wrapping method that is commonly used by beginners. It is a good option for those who want to lock in the natural juices of the meat and prevent it from drying out. However, it lacks the smoky flavor that is usually associated with barbecue.
  • Butcher paper: This is a special type of paper that is designed to withstand high temperatures. It is a good option for those who want to add a smoky flavor to their meat while still maintaining the moisture level. It is also a good option for those who want to check the internal temperature of the meat without unwrapping it.
  • Unwrapped: This is a method that is usually used by experienced barbecue masters who want to achieve a specific result. It is a good option for those who want to create a crispy bark on the meat and control the cooking process more precisely.

Wrapping Brisket: Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you understand the importance of wrapping brisket and the different methods available, here is a step-by-step guide on how to wrap brisket:

  1. Start by choosing the right type of wrapping tool. Depending on your preference and the specific result you want to achieve, you can use aluminum foil, butcher paper, or no wrapping at all.
  2. Set the temperature of your grill or smoker to the highest possible setting. This will help to create a good sear on the meat and lock in the natural juices.
  3. Place the brisket on the grill or smoker, fat side up, and let it cook for a few hours until it hits the desired temperature.
  4. Once the brisket hits the desired temperature, remove it from the grill or smoker and wrap it tightly in foil or butcher paper. This will help to increase the internal temperature and prevent drying out.
  5. Place the wrapped brisket back on the grill or smoker and let it cook for a few more hours until it reaches the final temperature. This will help to create a perfect final product.
  6. Remove the brisket from the grill or smoker and let it rest for a few minutes before serving. This will help to lock in the natural juices and create a more tender and flavorful meat.

Expert Tips for Wrapping Brisket

Here are some expert tips that can help you achieve the best results when wrapping brisket:

  • Choose a brisket with a good thickness. This will help to prevent drying out and ensure that the meat cooks evenly.
  • Use water to create a moist environment inside the wrapping. This will help to maintain the moisture level and prevent drying out.
  • Avoid wrapping the brisket too early. This can prevent the meat from developing a good bark and result in a lack of flavor.
  • Check the internal temperature of the meat regularly to ensure that it is cooking properly.
  • Start with a basic wrapping method and experiment with different products and techniques depending on your preference and the specific result you want to achieve.

Wrapping brisket is a great technique that can help you achieve the perfect barbecue. With the right tools, practice, and expert tips, you can become a master at wrapping meat and create a unique and delicious final product that is worth the time and effort.

The Texas Crutch: A Meat Wrapping Technique for Impressive Results

Wrapping meat in foil during the smoking process helps to increase the internal temperature of the meat more quickly and effectively. This is because the foil helps to trap moisture and heat, which speeds up the cooking time. Additionally, the foil prevents the meat from drying out, which is crucial for producing tender and juicy pulled pork or brisket.

Getting the most out of the Texas Crutch

If you want to get the best results from the Texas Crutch, there are a few things you can do to help ensure success:

  • Use the correct type of foil. Heavy-duty aluminum foil works best, as it’s able to withstand the heat and moisture of the smoking process.
  • Familiarize yourself with the ideal temperature and cooking time for the specific cut of meat you’re using.
  • Use wood chips or chunks that will add a rich, smoky flavor to the meat. Apple wood is a popular choice for pork, while hickory or mesquite work well with beef.
  • Add a little bit of water or apple juice to the foil before wrapping the meat. This will help create steam, which can further help to keep the meat moist.
  • Follow the basic steps outlined above, but don’t be afraid to experiment a little to find what works best for you.


Wrapping meat is a great way to ensure a delicious, tender result. It’s a good idea to use foil and butcher paper to wrap the meat and to use the Texas Crutch technique to wrap the meat with foil and then with paper. You can also use the reverse-seal method to wrap the meat. Wrapping meat is a great way to ensure a delicious, tender result. So don’t be afraid to give it a try! You might be surprised at how easy it is.

Joost Nusselder, the founder of Lakeside Smokers is a content marketer, dad and loves trying out new food with BBQ Smoking (& Japanese food!) at the heart of his passion, and together with his team he's been creating in-depth blog articles since 2016 to help loyal readers with recipes and cooking tips.